Ada suatu peristiwa lucu yang cukup menggugah kita mengenai seorang pendiri bangsa Indonesia. Ketika itu ada pemutaran film dokumenter tentang Ir. Soekarno, Presiden Republik Indonesia yang pertama, anak berumur 11 tahun bertanya kepada ayahnya siapa tokoh yang ada dalam film itu? Ayahnya menjawab “ Beliau adalah Soekarno”. Sang anak sambil mengangguk menjawab “ Oh ini lho yang namanya Soekarno Hatta”, tanpa mengetahui maksud dari penjelasan ayahnya. Ayahnya sambil tersenyum memberi penjelasan bahwa itu bukan Soekarno Hatta tapi hanya Soekarno yaitu Presiden RI dan Muhammad Hatta adalah wakil Presiden RI. Jadi selama ini sang anak tidak pernah tahu siapa Soekarno dan siapa Muhammad Hatta, dia pikir Soekarno Hata adalah satu orang yang diabadikan namanya pada lapangan terbang Soekarno-Hatta di Cengkareng. Sungguh ironis.
( There was a funny incident that inspires us about the founding fathers of Indonesia. At that time there was a documentary film on Ir. Sukarno, The First President of the Republic of Indonesia. 11-years-old boy asked his father, " Who figures in the film? " Father said:" He was Sukarno ". The boy replied " Oh, this is called Soekarno Hatta ", without knowing the purpose of explanation of his father. His father just smiled and gave the explanation that it was not the Soekarno Hatta but only the President Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta was The First Vice President of Indonesia. So far the kids have never known anyone who were Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta. All this he always thought Soekarno Hatta is one person whose name is used for an airport in Cengkareng. Ironic.)
( There was a funny incident that inspires us about the founding fathers of Indonesia. At that time there was a documentary film on Ir. Sukarno, The First President of the Republic of Indonesia. 11-years-old boy asked his father, " Who figures in the film? " Father said:" He was Sukarno ". The boy replied " Oh, this is called Soekarno Hatta ", without knowing the purpose of explanation of his father. His father just smiled and gave the explanation that it was not the Soekarno Hatta but only the President Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta was The First Vice President of Indonesia. So far the kids have never known anyone who were Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta. All this he always thought Soekarno Hatta is one person whose name is used for an airport in Cengkareng. Ironic.)
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